General Disclaimer
Dr. Oexman, CEO of Somly, is a nationally renowned expert on sleep and sleep disorders. The coaching services provided by Dr. Oexman, or any coach affiliated with Somly, however, are in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, treatment, or diagnosis. It is imperative to always seek the advice of your own physician with any questions you may have. The coaching provided by Dr. Oexman, or any coach affiliated with Somly, is provided as a complement to any other care you are receiving. Always seek the advice of your physician before beginning the Somly program. If you are concerned about your sleep patterns, if you are struggling to stay awake during the day or unintentionally fall asleep during the day, you are pregnant, having any underlying health condition, or are on medication, always consult your physician or other qualified health professional.
Somly does not make any warranties either expressed or implied with regard to the coaching services they provide. In no event will Dr. Oexman, or any coach affiliated with Somly, be liable for any damages including but not limited to, incidental and consequential damages, any personal injury, or wrongful death resulting from the coaching services provided.